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Education Center

The Science Behind Presbyopia

Is Presbyopia the Newest Specialty?

The presbyopia landscape is crowded to­day with innovations to treat this condition, including corneal procedures, pharmacologic treatments, scleral procedures, and phakic and intraocular (IOL) lenses, according to Karolinne Maia Rocha, MD, PhD, director of cornea and refractive surgery at the Medical University of South Carolina in Charleston.

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Pathogenesis of Presbyopia

FOR MOST OF HISTORY, PRESBYOPIA has been defined as a "normal" refractive error caused by age, with discussion limited to the loss of near vision beginning in our 40s. Because we have had no effective therapeutic interventions available, presbyopia has been accepted as a natural part of life and treated primarily by changing power at either the cornea or the lens, hallmarked with some type of visual compromise. The reality is that presbyopic solutions have failed to adequately address this large unmet market, frustrating both physicians and industry.

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Introduction to Dynamic Range of Focus

Is Presbyopia the Newest Specialty?

The presbyopia landscape is crowded to­day with innovations to treat this condition, including corneal procedures, pharmacologic treatments, scleral procedures, and phakic and intraocular (IOL) lenses, according to Karolinne Maia Rocha, MD, PhD, director of cornea and refractive surgery at the Medical University of South Carolina in Charleston.

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Pathogenesis of Presbyopia

FOR MOST OF HISTORY, PRESBYOPIA has been defined as a "normal" refractive error caused by age, with discussion limited to the loss of near vision beginning in our 40s. Because we have had no effective therapeutic interventions available, presbyopia has been accepted as a natural part of life and treated primarily by changing power at either the cornea or the lens, hallmarked with some type of visual compromise. The reality is that presbyopic solutions have failed to adequately address this large unmet market, frustrating both physicians and industry.

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Ocular Rigidity

Is Presbyopia the Newest Specialty?

The presbyopia landscape is crowded to­day with innovations to treat this condition, including corneal procedures, pharmacologic treatments, scleral procedures, and phakic and intraocular (IOL) lenses, according to Karolinne Maia Rocha, MD, PhD, director of cornea and refractive surgery at the Medical University of South Carolina in Charleston.

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Pathogenesis of Presbyopia

FOR MOST OF HISTORY, PRESBYOPIA has been defined as a "normal" refractive error caused by age, with discussion limited to the loss of near vision beginning in our 40s. Because we have had no effective therapeutic interventions available, presbyopia has been accepted as a natural part of life and treated primarily by changing power at either the cornea or the lens, hallmarked with some type of visual compromise. The reality is that presbyopic solutions have failed to adequately address this large unmet market, frustrating both physicians and industry.

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Laser Scleral Microporation (LSM)

The Answer for Aging Eyes?

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Is Presbyopia the Newest Specialty?

The presbyopia landscape is crowded to­day with innovations to treat this condition, including corneal procedures, pharmacologic treatments, scleral procedures, and phakic and intraocular (IOL) lenses, according to Karolinne Maia Rocha, MD, PhD, director of cornea and refractive surgery at the Medical University of South Carolina in Charleston.

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Pathogenesis of Presbyopia

FOR MOST OF HISTORY, PRESBYOPIA has been defined as a "normal" refractive error caused by age, with discussion limited to the loss of near vision beginning in our 40s. Because we have had no effective therapeutic interventions available, presbyopia has been accepted as a natural part of life and treated primarily by changing power at either the cornea or the lens, hallmarked with some type of visual compromise. The reality is that presbyopic solutions have failed to adequately address this large unmet market, frustrating both physicians and industry.

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